Gentlemen, your health is the most important and most valuable asset that you have. Without proper health it doesn't matter how much money you have, what kind of car you drive, what the score at the hockey game is... hell; it doesn't even matter what cologne you're getting from 1000 Scents next, believe it or not. In this blog post I'm going to go over 5 simple "modifications" to your lifestyle that will keep your health on point.
- Stop focusing just on muscle gains in the gym! Now I do not have the stats, but I would be willing to guess that most guys focus the majority of their efforts on strength training/weight lifting, but a well rounded, usually healthier guy, would focus on strength training, cardio, and stretching. Go ahead and work on the three big lifts, but be sure to mix in some running, biking, hiking etc. along with some good stretching. It isn't all about having the biggest muscles in the gym (although that's cool), but rather having good limber pliable muscles that are going to treat you well far into the future!
- Take your vitamins gentlemen. There is more to this health game than what meets the eye and vitamins are a perfect way to fill in the gaps that your diet may have in it. A simple multivitamin from your drugstore will do just fine, but be sure to keep consistent with it for best results!
- Get a better sleep. Make sure your room is dark and cold and this will improve the quality of your sleep which we know is just as important as the quantity! Quantity shouldn't be skimped out on though; make sure that you are getting as close to 8 quality hours of sleep per night. This might mean that you have to leave your phone outside of the bedroom to avoid the temptation for some midnight scrolling!
- Get that H20 in you! Most people can say that they need to drink more water, but just how much is enough? Well of course there are many variables like activity level, body mass, temperature/weather etc., but aiming for at least 3.5 litres a day is a good start! If you do this you're going to feel better, look better, have clearer skin, less eye bags, and an assortment of other great benefits so start right now.
- Quit being so hard on yourself. Yes, this final one isn't so much about physical health as it is about mental health. It is really quit simple, forgive yourself for screwing up and move on with your life. I know, unfortunately this is easier said than done, but it is time that you start living in the present as opposed to focusing on what you did wrong in the past and who did you wrong in the past. Forgive and forget gentlemen, you will be much better off because of it!
I know you're all probably and hopefully rocking it in the health department, but I hope that this post has been of some use to you and that you can begin to look, feel, and yes, think better because of it. Never hesitate to message us if you ever have any questions or concerns of any kind!